Finance available for New Venture / Business Expansion by Women Entrepreneurs
Repayment Tenure: Term Loan will be repayable in maximum 7 years.
Margin : a. In working capital facility, Upto 25% b. In Term loan facility, upto 15% Maximum Loan Amount LImit - Rs.10,00,000/-
Eligibility : a. Women Entrepreneurs who are our existing customers/ who are introduced by our known customers. ORb. Women Entrepreneurs who are in business for a minimum period of 1 year before the date of application. ORc. Women Entrepreneurs having relevant qualification / experience required for the activity.
Subscription to Bank's Share - Membership: "A " class membership @ 2.5% of loan amount.
Processing fee : 0.25% of Loan Amount
1. Loan Application form 2. Self Attested Xerox copies of below mentioned documents: a. Bank Account Statement / Pass Book for at least 1 year in case of existing business. b.Ration Card / Telephone Bill / Society Maintenance Bill (Any one) c. PAN card d. Latest Income Tax Return (as applicable) e. Photographs of the Applicant/Guarantor.