Financial Benefits: A Must Know for Every Woman

22 Apr 2021 22:16:00

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Our society is changing rapidly and it has impacted the role of women. Women are no longer just housewives, mothers or daughters. Instead they are half of the work force earning and supporting themselves as well as their families and the economy of our country.
Recent years have seen a rise in the number of women entrepreneurs and overall number of women in the work force. Naturally, the finances are the other side of this coin.
Although many women have found their footing or are carving the path to financial independence, many are still struggling. In order to change this narrative and to encourage more women to be financially independent there are special benefits given to women in a banking scenario.
What are these benefits? Keep reading to find out!
Financial Benefits for Women
1. Savings Bank Account: Janakalyan Bank provides a special women’s savings account – Janakalyanee Savings Account. There are many differences between a normal savings account and Janakalyanee Savings account. For example –
a. The minimum balance to maintain Janakalyanee Savings Account is just Rs.500/-
b. Another important benefit of Janakalyanee Savings Account is that it comes with the Zero Balance Accounts for 2 minors.
2. Women Entrepreneurs: Today, there are many successful women entrepreneurs. Their innovative ideas that can be managed at home are encouraging other women everyday but not everyone has a financial backing. Hence, Janakalyan Bank has come with an easy loan solution for women entrepreneurs – Udyogini Loan. Whether you are starting a new venture or expanding your business, Janakalyan Bank’s Udyogini Loan solution is your answer. A hassle free way to get loan with a good tenure period.
3. Benefits on Insurance Premiums: Biologically, there are many changes in a male and female body. Naturally, their medical needs differ too which in turn affects their life expectancy. Insurance companies recognize this difference. There are special schemes for women keeping women-centric diseases like – Breast or Ovarian Cancer, Gynecological or Pregnancy issues etc. in mind. The premiums of these insurances differ from others and many times women pay less for an insurance premium.
4. Low Interest Loans: There are many loan schemes that offer different interest rates based on the gender of the applicant. Usually, there is about 0.05% difference on the interest rate when the applicant is a woman. Although, this number may seem small to many, it helps a lot during the tenure period. The loans with such benefits are Home Loan and Vehicle Loan solutions.
These are only a few of the many benefits that can assist women to become financially independent. Visit your nearest Janakalyan Bank Branch to know more about our services.
Happy Banking!
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